This iTEC Learning Activity involves pupils gathering and collating data outside of the classroom; the data is then presented as a series of scientific observations, or as a multimedia presentation. Collecting data outside of school provides pupils with a novel change of scene from the everyday classroom environment, while also teaching them how to record scientific data in a methodical manner. The Learning Activitiy also serves to illustrate to the pupils the difference between empirical data, gathered in the field, and information learned from a textbook.
"[Students] had the opportunity to think about the strategies to apply to real-world environment and its problems. For instance, one of our project topics was the earthquakes in city Van. They had to search and collect data about tectonic earthquakes. Students had an appointment in Kandilli Observatory for earthquakes. This was a great experience for them to seek the specific knowledge from the real life rather than internet. Students enjoyed it a lot”.
Özgür Karaer, science teacher Istanbul Umraniye Primary School Turkey