Working with outside experts is a Learning Activity that involves a class working with external specialist(s) from a discipline related to their course material.
The Learning Activity demonstrates to pupils real-world applications of the subjects on the school curriculum. Working with outside experts usually provides pupils with experience using Web 2.0 communication tools, such as social networking sites (LinkedIn, Google +, Facebook), and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) tools, such as Skype or Viber. The activity also develops pupils’ skills in collaborating on a project task.
“I've worked on this scenario last year, and will definitely implement it in my classroom again in the future. Last year, my pupils have interviewed journalist experts (editors, photographs, an Amnesty International spokesman), and have created a TV news special edition to present the result of their researches. Great scenario to break the walls of the classroom down !”
Veronique Magniant Camblanes Primary School Bordeaux, France