Language Language
Teacher stories Teacher stories
Studying Shakespeare with iTEC (Turkey)

Pupils in Nejat Sabuncu Primary School, Turkey, used videos to learn about the works of William Shakespeare in their English class.

To view the school's wikispace, which includes the videos that the pupils produced, click here.

Teacher: Burcu Yilmazoglu

School: Nejat Sabuncu Primary School

Country: Turkey

Use of multimedia tools in language classes (Turkey)

Emre Kaya, a teacher in Turkey, used technologies in a number of innovative ways to engage his pupils' interest in the iTEC project. One of the ways in which the pupils added an element of fun to their English class was to video a short video in English.

To learn about the class's iTEC project activities in more detail, click here.

Teacher: Emre Kaya

Country: Turkey

Revising the physics syllabus (Slovakia)

Viera Matisková, a physics and infomatics teacher from Bratislava, Slovakia, initiated an inter-disclipinary project with her class: pupils used technology and ICT to revise for their physics exams.

Learn more about the class's activity here.

  • Teacher: Viera Matisková
  • School: Sokolikova 2
  • Country: Slovakia
Revising for biology exams (Slovakia)

Gabriela Markusová’s pupils created presentations as a way to revise for their biology exams.

To learn more, click here.

  • Teacher: Gabriela Markusová
  • Country: Slovakia
Pupils creating science learning resources (France)
When carrying out his iTEC project activities in his science class, David Latouche had his pupils create video learning resources for chemistry classes.
Read more about their Learning Activity here.
  • Teacher: David Latouche
  •  School: Saint-Exupéry SecondarySchool
  •  Country: France
Showing 131 - 137 of 137 results.
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