iTEC project results iTEC project results

iTEC papers, articles and presentations


FR: L’éducation numérique peut-elle être une éducation à la collaboration et à l’inter-culturalité ?
EN: Can digital education be an education in collaboration and interculturality?
At COlloque Spécialisé en Sciences de l’Information (COSSI 2014); ICOMTEC – IAE, Univ. de Poitiers, France, 17-18 juin 2014
Authors: Karine Aillerie, Delphine Favre

What type of support is required for particular media literacy skills? From innovative teaching methods to daily practices
Presented at National forum “youths and medias”. Youth: media players, Lyon April 2014
Author: Karine Aillerie

Presentation: Designing Edukata: a method for educators to create learner centered activities
Authors: Tarmo Toikkanen and Anna Keune, Aalto University, Finland
June 2013
At: EdMedia 2014: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology - Jun 23-26, 2014 - Tampere

Article: Modelling information literacy for classrooms of the future, Journal of Library & Information
At Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0961000614526612
Author: Sarah McNicol (MMU)

Facilitating student reflection through digital technologies in the iTEC project: pedagogically-led change in the classroom
At 1st International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, 22-27 June 2014
Authors: Sarah McNiol (MMU), Cathy Lewin (MMU), Anna Keune (Aalto), Tarmo Toikkanen (Aalto)

Article: Accuracy, uncertainty and new technologies
At Mathematics Teaching
Authors: Sarah McNicol (MMU), Sven Olaf Brekke, Venke Nesse, Jorun Irene Tokheim, Ola Berge (Norway)

Presentation: Authentication and Authorisation for Widget-based Applications in a Loosely-coupled Web eLearning Environment
Authors: Jean-Noël Colin (FUNDP) and Tien Hoang Minh (FUNDP)
Accepted to the WEBIST2014 Conference; 19% of acceptance rate

The iTEC Widget Store - A Store for Hosting, Deploying, Creating and Annotating Web Based Apps
Authors: K. Popat, D. Griffiths, M. Johnson, University of Bolton
At the EDULEARN 14 Proceedings, Pages 862-871, ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, ISSN: 2340-1117. EDULEARN 14, 6th International Conference and Education and New Learning Technologies, 7-9th July 2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Feature-Driven Adoption Patterns of Online Learning Environments – The Instructors’ Perspective
Authors: Margit Kastner (WU), Bernd Simon (KM), and Michael Schraml (WU)
At HICSS Conference Proceedings 2014

Article: Minecraft i klasserommet (Minecraft in the Classroom)
At Digital praksis i skolen (Digital practice in schools)
Authors: Jørund Høie Skaug and Vibeke Guttormsgaard



Presentation and abstract: How a Learning Technology Project Becomes a School Redesign Service
Authors: Tarmo Toikkanen, Anna Keune, Aalto ARTS
At Aalto Research Days 2013 proceedings

Article: InFlow (Information Flow): An Integrated Model of Applied Information Literacy
At School Libraries in View No.36, Winter 2013
Author: Sarah McNicol (MMU)

Presentation: Sustaining Innovation in the Classroom: The Role of Technology
At European Conference on Educational Research, 10-13 Sept 2013
Author: Cathy Lewin (MMU)

Master's Thesis: iTEC õpiloo "Mängu loomine" rakendamise evalveerimine
Author: Ingrid Maadvere, Institute of Informatics, Tallinn University

Pedagogical visions for designing future classroom with iTEC project
In conference proceedings of ICETA 2013 conference (
Authors: V. Blahová, I. Sivý, M. Michalko, Z. Szalay, elfa, s.r.o., Slovakia

Learning activities and stories in the project iTEC in Secondary technical school
Authors: J. Janisková, I. Daridová, A. Homolová
Published: October 2013
At Proceedings of the ICETA 2013 International conference (, ISBN 978-1-4799-2161-4, IEEE copyright "ICETA 2013 - 11th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications"

Oppimiskertomusajattelu avuksi opetuksen uudelleenjärjestämiseen
Published at: "Kokemukset kiertoon - ideoita oppimisympäristöjen kehittämiseen", publication of Finnish National Board of Education.
Authors: Pasi Kurttila & Markku Lang

Lähitulevaisuus suomalaisten opettajien kuvaamana
Published at: "Kokemukset kiertoon - ideoita oppimisympäristöjen kehittämiseen", publication of Finnish National Board of Education.
Authors: Pasi Kurttila & Markku Lang

Master's thesis: L'education numerique "Acculturation des enseignants et nouvelles compétences à travers le projet européen iTEC" (engl. Digital Education "Teachers' digital acculturation and fresh skills within iTEC pan-European project")
Author: Delphine Favre, University: Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (department of Art and Media) Defended: October 2013

Article: European schools need to prepare for the future
Author: Roger Blamire, October 2013

Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools
Authors: Frans Van Assche, Bernd Simon, Michael Aram, Jean-Noël Colin, Hoang Minh Tien, Dai Griffiths, Kris Popat, Luis Anido-Rifón, Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez, Juan Santos-Gago, Will Ellis, Joris Klerkx
Published: September 2013
At: 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013. Proceedings
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40814-4_93

Applying the Widget Paradigm to Learning Design: Towards a New Level of User Adoption   
Authors: Bernd Simon (KM), Michael Aram (KM), Frans van Assche (KU Leuven), Dai Griffiths (UB), Luis Anido Rifon (UVIGO), and Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez (UVIGO)
Published: September 2013
At 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013. Proceedings
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40814-4_49


Pumping up Moodle via Integrated Content Authoring, Sharing and Delivery Tools – The Educanext LTI Case Study (Moodle mit einem Content-Marktplatz- und Autorenwerkzeug-Dienst aufpolieren: Die LTI Fallstudie Educanext)
Authors: Bernd Simon (KM), Michael Aram (KM), Daniela Nösterer (KM), and Christoph Haberberger (KM)
Published: Moodle Moot Conference, Vienna 2013, Conference Proceedings

Presentation: Ambient awareness of classroom activities
Authors: Tarmo Toikkanen and Anna Keune, Aalto University

Recommending Suitable Learning Scenarios According to Learners’ Preferences:  An Improved Swarm Based Approach. Published: Computers in Human Behavior – in print; October 2013
Authors, Kurilovas, E.; Zilinskiene, I.; Dagienea, V.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2013.06.036

Creation of Web 2.0 Tools Ontology to Improve Learning
Published: International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems – in print; during 2013
Authors: Kurilovas, E.; Juskeviciene, A.

New MCEQLS AHP Method for Evaluating Quality of Learning Scenarios
Published at: Technological  and  Economic  Development  of  Economy 19(1): 78–92. ISSN 2029-4913. DOI: 10.3846/20294913.2012.762952
Authors: Kurilovas, E.; Zilinskiene, I.

Web 2.0 Tools Ontology to Personalize Learning 
Published at: Proceedings of the 4th Tech-Education conference, Nice, France, August 21–22, 2013.  In:  Lytras et al.  (Eds.):  Technology  Enhanced  Learning, Quality  of Teaching  and  Reforming  Education  (TECH-EDUCATION  2013),  Communications  in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 111. Springer, Heidelberg– in print, August 2013
Authors: Kurilovas,  E.;Juskeviciene,  A.;  Bireniene,  V.  

An Improved Swarm Based Approach to Recommend Suitable Learning Paths According to Learners’ Behaviour. In: Proceedings of the 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2013),  Aveiro, Portugal, June 19–21, 2013.  M.D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): WSKS 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 111, Springer, Heidelberg– in print, June 2013
Authors: Kurilovas, E.; Zilinskiene, I.; Bireniene, V.  

iTEC Project Scenarios Evaluation from the Perspective of Students’ Own Learning Personalization
Paper to the the 12th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL-2013), 30-31 October, Sophia Antipolis, France. October 2013
Authors: Ignatova, N.; Dagienė, V. 

Presentation: How a Learning Technology Project Becomes a School Redesign Service
Aalto Research Day 2013, 26 September 2013
Authors: Tarmo Toikkanen and Anna Keune

Master's Thesis: Pupils as digital producers – a Teacher's perspective
Published in Norwegian "Elever som digitale produsenter – en lærers perspektiv", incl. an English summary
Author: Lisa Steffensen, Høgskolen Stord /Haugesund
Spring 2013

Article: Students designing educational games
Published at: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Game Based Learning. EAI January-December 2013, Volume 13, Issue 01-12, e7
Authors: M. Sillaots, I. Maadvere
Published: March 2013


Presentation: Building future educational scenarios in a European context: a look at the iTEC project
At AECRICT 2012 (Addressing Educational Challenges: the role of ICT), 2-5 July 2012
Authors Alison Oldfield and Sarah Payton, Futurelab Education

Innovative technologies for an engaging classroom (iTEC): evaluation findings from the first cycle of piloting across 17 European countries
At AECRICT 2012 (Addressing Educational Challenges: the role of ICT), 2-5 July 2012
Authors: Maureen Haldane and Cathy Lewin, Manchester Metropolitan University

Presentation: Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom (iTEC): Evaluation findings from the first cycle of piloting across 17 European countries
At British Educational Research Association, 4-6 Sept 2012
Author: Cathy Lewin

Presentation: Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom (iTEC): Evaluation findings from the first cycle of piloting across 17 European countries
At European Conference on Educational Research, 18-21 Sept 2012
Author: Cathy Lewin

Article: Motivasjon og frustrasjon i iTEC (Motivation and frustration in the iTEC project)
Published at: Norwegian report "Monitor 2012" (Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education, Oslo 2012)
Authors: Jørund Høie Skaug and Vibeke Guttormsgaard
Published: December 2012

Article: iTEC - Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom
Published at: Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 02/2012
Author: Jørund Høie Skaug

Presentation: Media Tools for Reflection in Learning
At 2012 NMC Summer Conference
Authors: Teemu Leinonen and Anna Keune (Aalto University)

Presentation: First outcomes of Designing the future classroom
Published at: ICETA international conference 2012, Slovak Republic
Authors: V. Blahová, Ľ. Jakabová, M. Michalko, Z. Szalay, I. Sivý, F. Jakab

Article: New MCEQLS AHP Method for Evaluating Quality of Learning Scenarios
Published at: Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2012.
Authors: Kurilovas, E.; Zilinskiene, I. 

Article: An Improved AHP Method for Evaluating Quality of Personalised Learning Scenarios.
Authors: Kurilovas, E.; Zilinskiene, I.; Bireniene, V. (2012)

Presentation: Design Research on Media Tools for Reflection in Learning
At Designs for Learning Conference 2012 in Copenhagen, 25.4.2012
Authors: Teemu Leinonen, Anna Keune and Jukka Purma (Aalto University)

Poster presentation: Reflection tools for learning
At ITK conference, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 19-20 April 2012
Authors: Jukka Purma, Anna Keune, Tarmo Toikkanen and Teemu Leinonen (Aalto University)

Presentation: iTEC: Designing the future classroom
Media & Learning Conference on Dec 13, 2012
by Riina Vuorikari


iTEC Innovation Technologies for an Engaging Classroom
Published at: 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium 
Authors: M Muharremoglu, A Eylence, T.E. Akdur, A Kula

Evaluation of Quality of Learning Scenarios and Their Suitability to Particular Learners’ Profiles
Published at: Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL’09). Brighton, UK, November 10–11, 2011, pp. 380–389
Authors: E Kurilovas, E Žilinskiene, N Ignatova

Innovative learning stories for teachers based on latest IT technologies       
Published at: Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications - ICETA 2011 conference proceedings, 27-28 Oct. 2011
Authors: Michalko, M. Jakab, F. ;  Szalay, Z. ;  Blahova, V.

Article: Tunturista oppimateriaalia koulunpenkille
Kaleva newspaper, 23.8.2011

Better teamwork in schools
Published at: SeOppi magazine, 03/2011
Authors: T Toikkanen, J Purma

Kokybės vertinimo metodų taikymas mokomiesiems scenarijams vertinti
Kurilovas, E.; Žilinskienė, I. (2011). 

Evaluation of Quality of Learning Scenarios and Their Suitability to Particular Learners’ Profiles
Kurilovas, E.; Žilinskiene, I.; Ignatova, N. (2011). 

Presentation: iTEC (Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom) project
At IETC-2011 - 11th International Educational Technology Conference, Istanbul University, Turkey, 25-27 May 2011
Authors: M Muharremoglu, T.E. Akdur, A Kula