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iTEC organisations and groups iTEC Partners iTEC involves 26 partners from 18 countries, including 14 Ministries of Education. See the list of members below. Associate Partners Organisations that are not partners but willing to participate in the project can apply to be Associate Partners, and use their own resources as unfunded project partners. Read more >> iTEC Pedagogical Board The Pedagogical Board is an advisory body made up of appointed pedagogical experts who support and give advice on the development of innovative scenarios in the iTEC project. Read more >> iTEC High Level Group iTEC has established a High Level Group of decision shapers to ensure that those scenarios’ that are successfully validated in the large-scale pilots are mainstreamed and impact upon the educational reform agenda at national level. Read more >> Teachers and iTEC community members iTEC involves over 1.000 classroom and teachers who carry out the school pilots in different European countries. See the members here >>
Partners map Partners
iTEC involves 26 partners from 18 countries, including 14 Ministries of Education. iTEC has also a number of Associate Partners.
Partners | European Schoolnet (EUN) Belgium | The iTEC project is led by European Schoolnet, a public-sector consortium funded by 31 education ministries and supported by the European Commission. Its office with some 60 staff in Brussels serves the needs of education policy-makers and researchers, schools and suppliers. Its activities are determined by the needs of the Ministries of Education, the European Commission, and industrial partners, including companies from the publishing and ICT industries. | | Promethean United Kingdom | Promethean is a global leader in interactive learning technology that empowers teachers to engage, educate, assess and motivate learners. Developed by and for educators, its award-winning products help teachers to prepare digital lessons quickly and with greater ease. The technology enables them to create, customize and integrate text, web, video and audio content, so they can more easily capture students’ attention and accommodate different learning styles. | | University of Namur (FUNDP) Belgium | FUNDP is a university founded in 1831, in Namur, Belgium, that comprises 6 faculties and offers many programmes, at bachelor, Master and PhD level. The faculty of Computer Science is a well recognized entity and takes a leading role at a European level by focusing on the design and development of Communication and Information Systems, and offering a multidisciplinary approach that includes technological, scientific and methodological as well as human, business, management and social aspects. | | SMART Technologies Germany | Website SMART Technologies introduced the touch-sensitive SMART Board interactive whiteboard in 1991. Company’s strong commitment to research and development has accelerated SMART’s growing line of technology solutions, which now include all the components necessary for improving student outcomes through ICT implementation. Thanks to their simplicity and powerful ability to connect people, SMART solutions have transformed learning in over a million classrooms for more than 25 million students around the world. | | Institute of Education of University of Lisbon Portugal | The Institute of Education is a new organic unit of the Lisbon University aimed at research, training and intervention in problems of education and teacher training in Portugal. Its major goal is to contribute to a better understanding of educational phenomena and training processes, thus working towards an improvement in the quality of education and training. | | Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE) Portugal | Direcção-Geral da Educação (DGE) is the Directorate-General for Education of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science. DGE’s specific remit is to make sure that national policies are implemented regarding the pedagogical and didactic components of pre-school, primary, lower and upper secondary education, as well as the provision of education for children not attending school. It gives technical support to their design and at the same time evaluates their implementation. It coordinates the exam planning activities. A specific team within DGE is in charge of fostering the effective use of computers and the Internet by all educational agents (students and teachers alike) and is a partner in several EUN projects, namely eSkills Week, iTEC, eTwinning, eSafety, CPDLab, among others. | | Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BM:UKK) Austria | Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, known as BM:UKK, is responsible for among other things support for classes and thematic educational issues and new technologies and multimedia applications for the use in education. BM:UKK maintains the ViS:AT plattform (Virtual School Austria) which ensures the quality of resources for pupils, teachers and adults on the Internet. BM:UKK provides e-training services to teachers in formal, informal and non-formal self-regulated education with new technologies. | | Centre of Information Technologies in Education (ITC) Lithuania | ITC is a governmental organisation under the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania responsible for implementation of strategies and programmes for ICT. ITC was founded in 1991 and re-organised in 2000. ITC actions are focused on several areas, for example on coordination of national strategies and programmes on ICT implementation in education; initiation and coordination of international cooperation on ICT implementation in education; and development, accumulation and dissemination of digital educational content and services. | | National Ministry of Education Turkey | The National Ministry of Education in Turkey, General Directorate of Educational Technologies has been responsible for the use of ICT in education and training over the last decade. The strategies and aims of the Ministry regarding ICT have been determined in the “Information Technologies Policy Report” which aims to ensure the efficient and active usage of existing information technologies in schools. Providing the necessary IT infrastructure to all schools, helping all the teachers to acquire ICT skills, and adapting to a new curriculum with its all aspects have been anticipated. | | Aalto University Finland | Established in 2010, Aalto University is a new university with centuries of experience. created from the merger of three Finnish universities: The Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and The University of Art and Design Helsinki. The three schools of Aalto University - the School of Economics, the School of Art and Design and the School of Science and Technology are all leading and renowned institutions in their respective fields and in their own right. Aalto School of Art and Design provides courses for students and pursues research in the fields of design, audio-visual communication, interactive media design and production, art education and the arts. | | Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa (INDIRE) Italy | INDIRE (Istituto Nazionale di Documentazionem Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa) is a public institution with administrative, financial and accounting autonomy, operating at national level, under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Education. INDIRE collaborates with the Italian Ministry of Education in the management of EU programs, projects and initiatives including European Schoolnet. The agency manages the Italian Lifelong Learning agency and the Italian Eurydice Unit and has represented Italy in several European projects. | | Tiger Leap Foundation Estonia | The Tiger Leap Foundation established in 1997 by the Ministry of Education is the main coordinating and financing body for ICT in schools in Estonia. TLF’s mission is to help improve the quality of education in Estonia through the application of ICT. To do so, it focuses mainly on three areas – computers and internet connections for schools, educational software development and teacher in-service training. TLF has been the main driving force of change in Estonian schools. As a result of TLF’s help, all the schools in Estonia are connected to internet, there is original educational software available in most subjects, and 75% of teachers have been trained twice in ICT skills. | | UNI•C Denmark | UNI•C, The Danish IT Centre for Education and Research, is an agency under the Danish Ministry of Education. UNI•C comprises four divisions: Education, Research and Society, Administrative systems, and Statistics and Analysis. UNI•Cs education division specializes in all aspects of IT integration, such as the creation of educational services, educational websites, and connection of schools to the Internet. Other areas covered are implementing and coordinating national and international initiatives on behalf of the Ministry, training of teachers in the use of IT in education, and running administrative systems. | | Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education (NCIE) Norway | The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education (Senter for IKT i utdanningen) is an executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research. The centre was established on 1 January 2010. Its objective is to bring together actors and resources and to facilitate cooperation on ICT in and for the education sector. The primary target groups for the Centre are teacher training and preschool teacher training institutions, local school authorities, school leaders, teachers and preschool teachers. The Centre provides resources and practical support for these groups. | | University of Bolton United Kingdom | The University of Bolton is a UK Higher Education Institution with 7,800 students and a curriculum ranging from business and computing to art, media, education, health and engineering. The university’s education department has played a leading role in the region for Post-16 teacher education for many years. The experts who will participate on the project come from the University’s Institute for Educational Cybernetics (IEC) which is home to the JISC-CETIS (Centre for Educational Technology and Interoperability Standards) Service, and which has many years experience in e-learning research and development. | | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium | K.U.Leuven has been a centre of learning for almost six centuries, is a charter member of the League of European Research Universities, and European surveys rank it among the Top Ten European Universities in terms of its scholarly output. As part of the Computer Science department of K.U.Leuven, research in the “HyperMedia and DataBases” group focuses on the management of and access to data and content, available in a more or less structured way. The overall goal is to provide flexible, effective and efficient access to large-scale collections in a way that goes beyond what typical search engines provide. | | University of Vigo Spain | The University of Vigo (Universidade de Vigo) is a modern and innovative institution created in 1990 when it separated from the University of Santiago. The Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering (HTSTE) has 60 professors and four research groups and it is part of the main campus located in Vigo. The UVIGO team in iTEC has extensive experience of research into semantic web technologies including their application to brokerage system architectures for e-learning and process-aware management systems. | | Knowledge Markets Consulting Austria | Knowledge Markets (KM) Consulting GesmbH offers consulting and IT services for knowledge-driven organisations. As a spin-off of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), it provides software solutions for learning management, educational brokerage, learning assessment, and training evaluation. On behalf of the ministry and other local educational partners, KM runs the most successful web platform in the Austrian school sector, the LMS portal, which serves about 40,000 teachers and pupils and generates up to 6 million page impressions per month. | | National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) United Kingdom | NFER is the UK’s largest independent provider of research, assessment and information services for education, training and children’s services. We make a difference to learners of all ages, especially to the lives of children and young people, by ensuring our work improves the practice and understanding of those who work with and for learners. | | Manchester Metropolitan University United Kingdom | The Education and Social Research Institute (ESRI), at Manchester Metropolitan University, is one of the leading centres for applied educational research and evaluation in the UK. The group are international leaders in developing new research methodologies and approaches. ESRI supports research-enriched professional practice in teacher education, and aims to offer the best and most innovative approaches to research-based professionalism in the UK, across a growing range of occupational areas. ESRI has received recognition as ‘world-leading’ in the 2008 UK Research Assessment Exercise. | | Swiss Agency for ICT in Education Switzerland | In its function as Swiss Media Institute for Education and Culture, the non-profit cooperative is the competence centre for various projects in the field of ICT and education. Its focal point is the management of the Swiss Agency for Information and Communication Technologies in Education (SFIB-CTIE) and the Swiss Education Server (SES). The Swiss Agency for ICT in Education facilitates the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Swiss education system. The services of the agency are geared to both school authorities and teachers at all levels from preschool to upper secondary including vocational training and special needs education. | | MAKASH Advancing CMC Applications in Education, Culture and Science Israel | MAKASH was established in 1989 as an offshoot of the Applied Research Unit of the P. Sapir Academic College. It resulted from an increasing awareness of the opportunities opened by the technologies of computer communications for accessing knowledge, social integration, advancing education, and applied research and as a generalized problem-solving tool. It developed an extensive program of educational ICT projects and network of schools. MAKASH works closely with the Ministry of Education, the Directorate for Science and Technology and serves as the NCP for European related projects. Presently MAKASH is a partner, coordinating Israel participation in various European projects. | | elfa, s.r.o. Slovakia | Elfa is a private company (SME) established at the beginning of 1991 by staff members of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, at the Technical University of Košice to function as a “Business Incubator”. The company is focused on transferring new information technologies, education methods and services from academia to praxis, in order to provide high quality, learner-centred eLearning solutions and services, rich media content production, project management and consulting services. Elfa has actively participated in several EU projects and has also been involved in many national joint projects dealing with the use of ICT in Education. | | Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP) on behalf of the Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et de la vie associative - Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Scolaire (DGESCO-A3) France | Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (National Centre for Pedagogical Resources) is a Government body belonging to the French Ministry of Education. Its main activity is to provide pedagogical documents and information to all educational users by publishing books, CD-ROMs, videos, TV broadcasts; and organising information systems to deliver the best possible descriptions of educational resources (both public and private). It has a high level of expertise in educational technological development as well as being a research centre focused on tagging, describing and delivering information to teachers. The CNDP leads 31 regional and 85 local centres, with a total staff of 2,500 persons in France. | | Educatio Public Services Non-profit LLC Hungary | Educatio is a background institution of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources and is a non-profit educational institute which was established in 1996. The main goal of the company is to develop and operate services in public and higher education in the fields of methodology, content, statistics and registration. Among many other duties the coordination of the public education reform program's implementation and the establishment of equal opportunities in education are of high significance. Educatio plays a key role in disseminating the use of ICT among the participants of public education and runs the most significant educational portal in Hungarian language containing valuable information and articles for teachers, students, parents and information system managers ( Educatio represents Hungary in European Schoolnet bodies and operates the eTwinning national support service. | | Belgium | EduBIT is a non-profit organization that manages educational projects on behalf of the government. The main goal of EduBIT is to support the introduction of new technology which enhances the learning and knowledge building process. EduBIT will also offer a platform to exchange results of practical research in this area. As a result of its projects EduBIT has contact with more than 100 schools, provides remote support for 300 computers and can reach a further 45.000 teachers. EDuBIT also has experience in the development of elearning for both non-profit (medical health portal) and commercial organizations. | |